Settling In – Tales from Wales (Part 2)

It's time to unpack

Those boxes won’t unpack themselves! When I opened my eyes on my first day in the new place, there was so much to do.  Sure, I’d managed to get my bed set up, and my kettle and cups unpacked, but most of the rest of the house was piled high with removers boxes (many in […]

A Fresh Start – Tales from Wales (Part 1)

My Fresh Start - Dawn over Anglesey

And Some Light Relief After the turmoil and stress that we’ve all been feeling in recent times, I thought I’d mix up my articles a bit. So rather than focussing on business, I’m going to share more of what I’m up to on my new personal adventure. I hope by doing this to provide some […]

Moving House Even More of a Nightmare Than Before!

My new home!

My Experience of Relocating During the Pandemic House moving is stressful at the best of times, but try moving during a pandemic, and you will discover it is trebly challenging. Throughout my recent move, wholly unnecessary problems were caused by larger organisations despite my meticulous planning.  Here is my (hopefully constructive) rant…  The Misery of […]

Are You Alone This Christmas? Then Revel In It!

Christmas as a child with my sister

Single at Christmas? You’re not alone Forgive the pun, but you are not alone, if like me, you fall into this sizeable group… At the end of 2019, the Office of National Statistics reported that around 7.7 million people in the UK are single and living alone. That is over 10% of the total population […]

Handling Stress with a Change of Psyche

THE STRESS of MOVING HOME As I called my local estate agent to put my house on the market, the phrase “the two most stressful things in life are divorce and moving home” kept whirling round my head. The initial meeting turned out to be two hours long. As it was happening I could picture […]

Designing a Passport to the Future – Education Revolution

Education revolution passport

I will state up front that I do not have children.  However, 90% of my friends, colleagues and family I regularly interact with do and I am sometimes called into schools to ‘inspire’ their pupils.  I therefore feel I have an opinion albeit one from an outsiders point of view.  But perhaps the fact I […]