On PTSD, Resilience, and Doing Life Differently

Pam Warren interviewed by Simon from Wellity on resilience, PTSD and doing life differently

My interview with Pam Warren (Paddington train crash survivor) Guest post by Simon Scott-Nelson from Wellity On PTSD, resilience, and doing life differently I met with Pam on the morning she emerged from her latest ‘Fug.’ This, in itself, demonstrates what we discussed in our interview, and her resilience. What is a ‘Fug’? ‘Fug’ is the […]

How to convert Negative Thoughts into Pro-active Actions

Do you sometimes react negatively when a stressful situation occurs? Do you sometimes find your initial reaction to a change of circumstances leads to anger or irritation? How about just waking up i the morning feeling below par and unequal to the challenges that lie before you that day? Firstly, congratulate yourself.  You are a […]

Positivity – Positive action and thinking leads to success

Linked with motivation, resilience and patience I have found positivity is essential to complete the full success compass. To be fair it probably underpins the other 3 and is a must have in your armoury. Most successful people state positivity as their ‘must have’ attitude in their lives.  They, as well as I believe that […]