Remember What is Important in Life

All sorts of things happen throughout life and they are not always good. Sometimes bad, annoying or obstructive things happen.  Sometimes, like the train crash, they can be big events but, as is more often the case, they tend to be small normal everyday events that can affect anyone. The thing to remember when the […]

Are We the Troubadours of Yore?

My latest Huffington Post article considers the similarities between modern day public speakers and the medieval troubadours: I have just finished reading a historical account of Eleanor of Aquitaine and the attribution that she popularized the art and fame of the troubadour. It struck me how similar was the role of these medieval speakers […]

Are You Firm, Limp or Sweaty?

At several speaking engagements recently I have had cause to shake, quite literally, hundreds of hands.  In situations like this I know to expect a variety of styles but what has taken me by surprise is the apparent inattention by the giver as to how their handshake will be interpreted. There is a general rule […]

How’s Your Life See-Saw?

Do you ever think about your work/life balance? Have you ever stopped to consider whether you have them in the right proportion? Does life ever make you stop to think about it? I’ve just been pulled up short by these exact questions… again.. (read more)…..Read my latest Huffington Post article 

Advice for Life from a Survivor: Remember what’s important

I am often asked if my experiences since surviving the Paddington train crash has changed my views on life and what, if any, life lessons I have learnt. Of course the answer is ‘yes’ to both so I’ve decided to share my thoughts and advice with you in a series of short videos. This first […]