Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word


So why is it so hard – and heard so infrequently? Which two small words are among the hardest to utter as a leader – yet among the most powerful? ‘I’m sorry’ – rarely heard from the mouths of leaders, most appreciated by those around them that they influence. For such a simple utterance can […]

Haunted by PTSD


Had my life since all been a dream? Was I still there? Irrational questions plaguing my thoughts all the time.  I know that I won’t be alone in this, there are millions of people around the world who suffer from PTSD.  I fear a large majority do so in silence. This is me sharing my […]

Together We Could Say ‘STOP’ and Change Everything

inspirational female speaker

The cost of living and the hike in energy prices, interest rates, food – well everything really – beggars belief. In fact, if we continue to allow these ‘things’ to be done to us that’s what it will do – beggar us.

Do You Have the Courage to Make a Fundamental Shift in Your Life?

Many people are unhappy with their lives but don’t know how to change them. In fact they are even resistant to making any kind of change due to fear or apathy or both. This applies to businesses as much as individuals. A fundamental shift means rocking the foundations of an individuals’ life or a company’s […]

Are You in The Flow


What does being in the flow mean? You know those times when everything you do seems effortless? Somehow, everything you’re working on connects and seems logical, all the pieces fall into place. Being in the flow is when mind and body work together in harmony and clarity of thinking makes tasks seem simple. It is […]

When 20 Minutes Means 30

So you have checked, double checked and (as I did) triple checked that your client definitely wants you to do a 20 minute speech. You have done all your preparation work, designed your talk and practiced it to ensure it gives across the desired message in the time allotted. You are ready. You arrive at […]

Tackle the Nasty Job First

Do you find that sometimes you have a nasty, boring or unpleasant task to do and you find yourself putting it to the bottom of your pile? “I’ll just tackle these jobs first, get them out the way which will clear some time and then I’ll get on with that yucky job”. Problem is that […]